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tv   Fox 5 News at Ten  FOX  March 23, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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this is fox 5 news at 10:00. fox 5 working three big stories tonight. a man goes on a rampage inside a local rec center attacking two women including a double amputee. >> outrage over the death of trayvon martin sweeping across the country, people here at home taking to the streets to demand justice. >> and one last beautiful night
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before our nice weather takes a turn. the fox 5 weather team tracking a very wet weekend. but we start tonight with that rec center attack. ing thanks for joining us tonight. i'm wisdom martin. >> i'm laura evans. police say a guy walked into the community center in global park this afternoon and injured two volunteers going ballistic. fox 5's maureen umeh with the details. >> it happened without warning, the two victims both women, one of them a double arm amputee were in the front office when the suspect walked in and went on a rampage leaving the women injured and property destroyed. according to the incident report, the male suspect walked into the guy mason recreation center on calvert street northwest just after noon friday. he accused two women employees of taking his belongings, then became irate and went on the attack. john stokes is the chief of staff for the d.c. department of parks and recreation. >> i cannot ever remember this happening since my tenure at
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the department of parks and recreation. so this is a very unusual situation. >> the incident report says the suspect put his hands around one woman's throat. she's a double arm amputee. he lifted her off the ground and reportedly pushed her against a cabinet. then went after the other woman pushing her against a wall causing her hand to hit the wall. she was allegedly left with a large butch on her right former. >> now our concern is -- bump on her right forearm. >> now our concern is for the safety of the residents and our staff. >> the suspect reportedly walked into the activity room, picked up a coffee pot, threw it and knocked over a couple chairs. he then walked back into the office where he turned his rage back on the disabled victim ripping a phone from the wall, then picking her up again and throwing her across the floor. the report said the man then walked out the door. stokes says the incident is troubling and the agency is doing all it can to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> we have roving meters at our facility and work very closely
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with mpd and have cameras, but again most of the residents tend to use our recreation centers as safe havens. we don't normally have crimes that take place in our recreation centers. >> the victims were treated at hospitals and rt was arrested a faces charges of felony assault, burglary and destruction of property. new tonight, moralelies for trayvon martin, the shooting -- more rallies for trayvon martin sparking national outrage from florida to the white house when president obama weighed in today as pressure for the neighborhood watchman who shot him continues to grow. chants of trayvon martin in southeast d.c. at the big chair, community leaders and concerned residents saying what happened to the 17-year-old is an injustice that needs dealt with. >> i came out here to be amongst the d.c. residents that are standing in unison with the trayvon martin family. we think what has taken place in sanford, florida, is a
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complete travesty of justice and we want justice for trayvon's family. >> this is very important. a young child was lost, a 17- year-old child was lost. that is the most important issue today. >> our focus should not just be on the tragedy that happened to tray john, but the tragedy that's happening all -- to trayvon, but the tragedy that's happening all over america to our youth. >> in florida students are protesting the way the case was handled walking out of a miami classroom. the students at southridge high scall marched to a local mall and returned to campus and formed the initials tm on the school football field. the students are demanding the arrest of the neighborhood watch captain george zimmerman. ♪ we shall live in peace >> on capitol hill today more than 100 congressional staffers from both the democratic and republican parties joined together for what they called hoodies on the hill. >> it was tragic what happened and i think we should take this opportunity to educate people. >> could be anyone's kids like the president said today. if he had a son, it would look
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like him. >> the hoodie martin was wearing and the candy he had when he was killed are now symbols of solidarity. >> right now we're talking about the right just to be, the right to walk on a street. >> i think about the situation, it's already becoming a emotion of fair. >> why is it an african american young man is suspicious? >> also in washington president barack obama making his first comments on the shooting. he had faced increasing criticism in recent days for not speaking out about the trayvon martin shooting. the president called for federal, state and local officials to pull together and investigate what he called a tragedy. >> but my main message is to the parents of trayvon martin. you know, if i had a son, he'd look like trayvon and, you know, i think they are right to expect that all of us as americans are going to take this with the seriousness it
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deserves and that we're going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. >> also a new twist tonight in the trayvon martin shooting, george zimmerman said he shot the unarmed teen in self- defense and now a new witness is sticking up for the neighborhood watchman claiming he saw the teen on top of zimmerman and it was actually zimmerman who was yelling for help. >> the guy on the bottom who i believe had a red sweater on was yelling to me help, help. i told him to stop and i was calling 911. then when i got upstairs and looked down, the person that was on top beating up the other guy was the one laying in the grass and i believe he was dead at that point. >> now the witness said he's turned over pictures he took of the fight to police. eventually they'll be presented to a grand jury. zimmerman remains in hiding tonight, but sanford police say they know how to get in touch with him. an attorney representing zimmerman spoke to fox earlier today saying he is not a racist and talked about what's next. >> i think he needs to -- will
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keep the low profile, try to bring in some friends of his to shed light on who he really is. the issue of whether this is a -- between a caucasian and african american has been brought to light and i don't see george as being that. >> now his attorney says the facts will show zimmerman acted in self-defense during that fight with martin. it was a spectacular day today with temperatures rising into the 80s. still mild out there right now. you're looking at a live picture from northwest, hope you're enjoying it because some big changes are headed our way this weekend. fox 5's gary mcgrady is in the weather center. what exactly can we expect? >> wet, yeah, rain for sure and some thunderstorms it looks like, too. they're out to the west tonight. so we'll look at those. we'll start with sentinel radar. here immediately in the metro there's just nothing. back to the west there's perhaps a few showers trying to
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come on across. there's a couple little cells just to the south of fredericksburg. i don't see any return, any lightning return coming from those so much it looks like basically they're just some pretty good little rain showers right now, but any time. it's such that some of this could end up being a little bit of a thunderstorm. we'll keep that in the forecast overnight. tell you, what temperatures out there aren't too bad either. an advance of all this rain -- in advance of all this rain, look at it coming our direction. it's going start raining overnight tonight and as the system gets a little farther east and closer to us, it will continue to bring us passing showers tomorrow and some thunderstorms. looks like we could have some thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow evening. right now it still looks like any of these showers or thunderstorms that would try to become severe will stay to the south of us. i just don't think we'll be able to have the instability or the dynamics here in town in the metro area to bring us
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anything that's severe, but we could definitely have some thunderstorms out there. 70 right now here in the city, manassas down to 64, culpeper 72. we managed to 83 degrees for a high temperature today at national, 83 at dulles which tied the record high set back in 1994. so still unusual warmth for us. showers arrive overnight tonight, there's a chance for a thunderstorm rumbling around and low temperatures only getting to the lower 60s, full weekend forecast coming up. >> get the umbrellas ready. >> i have mine ready. >> good boy. lots of folks who didn't want mother nature to rain on their cherry blossom viewing this weekend headed down to the tidal basin today. it was the last day to see the trees because they're expected to be in peak bloom or to see them in their peak bloom stage which is actually when 70% of the blossoms are open, still be beautiful tomorrow, just some rain. fox 5's karen gray houston is here with more on what we like to consider around here the
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greatest springtime celebration. >> it really is. the warm weather winter we had brought the blossoms out early. now there is some debate about whether the blooms are past their peak already, but that didn't stop the crowds from coming out to marvel at their beauty. spring has sprung and so have the cherry blossoms and so have the crowds turning out to catch a glimpse. >> it's so beautiful out here. the cherry blossoms, the sky, the sun, everything is beautiful. >> as if that wasn't perfect enough, these three sisters from indonesia came sporting cherry blossom dresses. when the blossoms are in bloom, love is also in the air for the young and not so young. this couple from annapolis has made blossom viewing a family tradition. >> we have five children. they were very young and we started with them when they were toddlers and we'd drag them around the tidal basin. as time grew on, we started bringing our granddaughter. >> what a nice tradition.
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>> it's unfortunate that they've blossomed this early and will leave as early as they are. it would be nice to have them for the parade and activities. >> well, you can't have everything. if you looked closely, you could see green leaves peeking out between the blossoms, but that didn't stop the amateur photographers from having a field day. >> my husband has been coming down here checking periodically and he thought that they were peaking today, so we thought today would be a good time. >> and a good time was had by all. if you are planning on heading to festival activities, family days start with lots of activities tomorrow through sunday at the national building museum. the official opening ceremony is on sunday, laura. >> all right. thanks very much. if you happen to ride metro, you should not have any trouble getting to the cherry blossom festival events this weekend. metro's stopping all weekend repair work for the next month during the festival. weekend ridership can double to weekday levels during blossom season when the weather is nice. the festival began tuesday,
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continues through april 27th. a u.s. soldier and father of two facing charges that could end with his death. new developments in the afghanistan massacre coming up. >> but first a police chase in the middle of the night involving a stolen car ends in a fireball. three people were killed. find out how this happen, how it all started coming up next. >> tonight at 11:00 a bizarre fight at a local maryland school and it's caught on camera, the story behind this one tonight on the news edge. 
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new details about a fiery crash that killed two teenagers in chevy chase this morning. police say the teens were riding in the back of a stolen car running from officers when the driver lost control at chevy chase circle. the vehicle burst into flames trapping the teens. fox 5's paul wagner reporting. >> reporter: this is the scene captured by a still photographer moments after the crash. the toyota echos front end was crushed by a huge oak tree on the edge of chevy chase circle. police say there were four people in the car all males.
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>> the car was engulfed and they -- it took a while before they started to suppress the flames of. >> reporter: ruth robins heard the crash and looked out the window. >> it was terrible and unfortunate the loss of two lives, just very sad. >> reporter: montgomery county police say an officer patrolling east/west highway spotted the car heading west towards bethesda and ran the tag on his computer. >> he gets a hit back for stolen and requests other officers to comma cyst him to safely conduct a -- come to assist him to safely conduct a felony stop. >> reporter: but before they can get there the driver hits the gas on southbound connecticut likely tripping this speed sensor. >> the supervisor had come on the air and stated that he was requesting canine and also if this turned into a pursuit, montgomery county would not follow into the district of columbia but they would terminate at the line. >> reporter: as officers entered the circle and saw the wreckage, they tried to help.
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>> immediately there was smoke and then fire right after the smoke. they jumped out of their cars, some with fire extinguishers. they were able to rescue the driver and front seat passenger who had flames on his clothing when they took him out and they rolled him on the ground to extinguish them. another officer broke glass on a rear passenger door to try to get the rear seat passengers out, but at that point the car was fully involved in flames. >> reporter: police say the toyota was stolen last sunday from a forrest glenn neighborhood near holy cross hospital and it wasn't the only vehicle taken. others were stolen that night as well. paul wagner, fox 5 news. >> police say they know exactly who the teens are. they've notified the family and sources tell us that the five teens are procedures. well, it will be gone soon. look at this. come may this house in spring valley section of northwest d.c. will be torn down and scientists may finally be able
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to learn how many toxic chemicals were buried beneath the property. the moment is at the center of the spring valley clean-up effort. nearly 20 years ago a contractor found munitions from world war i buried in the neighborhood. d.c. released its new budget proposal for the year. the $9.4 billion budget is balanced with no new taxes or fees, but it does come with some cuts in services to close what would be a very large budget gap. some of the biggest issues on the budget are streetcars, street cameras and crime scene investigators. fox 5's bob barnard has all the details. >> these are some very difficult choices we have before us and none is he's yes. >> d.c. mayor vincent gray unveiled -- easy. >> d.c. mayor vincent gray unveiled his budget at a meeting at the wilson building this morning. >> despite the prosperity of 2011 with a surplus it doesn't help us at all going into 2013. >> there is a ton of money for
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school destruction, 203 million just for the modernization of district high schools. there's a million bucks to fix up another $350,000 to maintain the historic lincoln thereto street. there's nearly $3 million to -- theater on u street. there's nearly $3 million to fix up the system. the budget proposal would also allow city bars to stay open two hours later and liquor stores to sell booze two hours earlier and while 40% of the budget would be spent on human services, ward 8 council member marion barry says that's not enough. >> this budget and last year's budget being balanced on the backs of poor people, the most vulnerable, those who can't fight for themselves. >> it's not something i feel good about, but we have to make the most responsible decisions we can around balancing this budget. >> council member david catania proposed saving the city $50 million a year by reducing
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annual cost of living increases given to firefighters, police officers and teachers in retirement. >> i think it's fair. everyone has had to tighten their belts and i think it's only fair we have asked our rank and file workers working today to tighten our belts and have to ask respectively some of our retirees to tighten their belts. >> officials say they're closing what would have been a $172 million budget gap in part with using revenues from speed cameras with more to come next fiscal year. bob barnard, fox 5 news. casino gambling is one step closer to reality tonight in prince george's county and there's some big money that could be coming with it. >> plus holy speeding ticket batman, apparently even crime fighters have to obey speed limits. 
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a bill that would bring major changes to current
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gambling bills in maryland passed a crucial committee bill today. under the bill the state's slots parlors would turn into full fledge casinos and if voters say yes gambling would come to prince george's county. fox 5's john henrehan reports. >> reporter: maryland has approved five video slots parlors, two open, three in the pipeline. surrounding states, however, have already opened their parlors to full table games. under the new bill maryland parlors could also offer roulette, blackjack, craps and other games. the attraction here is jobs. many more people get hired when traditional table games are in the mix. the legislation would also add a sixth casino in maryland in prince george's county. the whole package would have to be approved by voters in a statewide referendum and by voters in p.g. >> so that's the issue of the double vote, so to speak. maryland voters would support it and prince george's county voters would support it. if they did not support it,
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then the vlt commission would not be able to extend the license. >> reporter: to sweeten the deal for existing licensees who would have to compete against a new casino in p.g. the legislation would allow operators to keep 40% of their revenue rather than the current level of 33%. the bill does not specify precisely where in prince george's county the new casino would go. members of the senate's budget and taxation committee had many questions about the sweeping proposal, but they wound up approving it on a 10-2 vote. the large margin bodes well for the bill as it now goes to the full senate. in annapolis john henrehan, fox 5 news. voters in louisiana will put their stamp on the republican presidential race. the state holds its primary tomorrow. the candidates spent this day making one final push for votes. frontrunner mitt romney is trying to show he can win in the deep south and blunt criticism that he can't win over conservative voters.
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>> it's important that we get a republican in the white house and get this country back on track with good jobs and a bright future and i intend to be that republican. >> rick santorum who is leading in recent polls in the bayou state talked about energy policy today. so did rival newt gingrich. gingrich has only won two states and is hoping for an upset win in louisiana. it's a story the entire country is talking about, the death of trayvon martin. the head of the washington branch of the naacp joins us to share his views coming up. >> plus the lawyer for the soldier accused of going on a deadly rampage in afghanistan says the government will have a tough time proving its case. find out why next. >> and if you see a story you think we should look into, send your news tips to us to fox5tips at or call 202-895-3000.
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the army staff sergeant accused of gunning down 16 after begans while they she want has been charged -- while they slept has been charged with murder. >> reporter: a military officer read the charges to staff sergeant robert bales at a maximum security prison in ft. leavenworth kansas, 17 counts of premeditated murder, six counts of aggravated assault and attempted murder, charges that could carry with them the death penalty. bales' civilian lawyer says his client is still in shock. also difficult, the facts of the case. of the 23 afghans targeted, 13 were children, some of them toddlers. of the six wounded who could serve as witnesses, four are children. the defense said it will not plead insanity. >> under an insanity defense, insanity is a legal term, the criteria is that you didn't know the difference between right and wrong or you didn't know your actions were wrong.
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we know that bales within minutes of committing these acts called his wife and said something terrible has happened. >> reporter: many experts on brain injuries say post- traumatic stress doesn't typically lead to violence. >> there has been a tendency to lump together ptsd and tbi, traumatic brain injury, because they sound the same, but they are very different disorders. ptsd, post-traumatic stress disorder, typically does not lead to violence. it's an anxiety disorder. so the kind of violence that it leads to most often the research shows is violence against the self. >> reporter: many advocates for destigmatizing post- traumatic stress fear this case will be a setback for public understanding of ptsd and traumatic brain injuries. 50,000 u.s. soldiers have served four tours in combat, only one has been accused of murdering nine children while they slept. at the pentagon jennifer griffin, fox news. we're following breaking news out of manassas where
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police are on the scene of a violent crash. you're looking at live pictures from sky fox. around 9:00 this evening a female officer was involved in a fight and called for help. one of the responding officers lost control of his cruiser after another driver cut him off. both vehicles struck a house on grant avenue. the officer and two people in the other car were hurt and taken to a local hospital for treatment. the home is badly damaged and the red cross is there assisting the family. recapping one of our top stories now, major protests in miami and across the country today as people demand justice in the trayvon martin shooting case. thousands of people marched in philadelphia tonight, many wearing hoodies, the same type of hooded sweat shirt martin was wearing when he was shot by a neighborhood watch captain last month. joining me now to discuss this further is hillary shelton, the director of the naacp washington bureau. thank you for being here, appreciate it. what role is the naacp playing in this whole thing?
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>> we're actually seeking justice in this case and the rule of law. we have a case in which a very crazy law in florida allowed a vigilante type to actually exercise what he saw as his right and actually kill someone he thought was suspicious, someone he thought may have been involved in some crime, but, of course, someone that was simply minding his own business and very peacefully going from a 7-eleven store back to his father's fiancee's house. >> what's your reaction to the fact that this is sparking protests in spots across the country? >> we think it's very good to see. i think americans of all races, genders and ethnicities are outraged to find that someone's life can be taken and the law enforcement agents, among others, there's a sworn to protect all of us, basically ignored anything relating to this young man, a 17-year-old kid, being killed on the street. >> i have to ask you because a lot of people are talking about
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this as well, geraldo rivera made some very controversial comments today and i'm going to read them, he said i am urging the parents of black and latino youngsters, particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies. i think the hoodie is as much responsible for trayvon martin's death as george zimmerman is. what's your reaction to that? >> well, i think geraldo is very clearly missing the point here. it was not a hoodie that should be held accountable for what happened in florida. it's not a hoodie or anything anyone would wear that should actually spark this kind of violence and somehow or another distracting attention to something that even sylvester stallone wore in the rocky movies is absolutely outrageous. we have to focus on the real issues in front of us. what we have is a young man's life taken for no good reason by someone that appeared to be a stalker and delusional to the point that it would follow the
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series of 911 transcript calls. we see that there was a process or progress in this engagement of this young man that was simply trying to get back to his father and his soon to be stepmother's house with his little brother's skittles and his iced tea. >> let me ask one more question here. what if george zimmerman isn't charged in trayvon martin's death? how long do you think this will go and do you think these protests will escalate? >> i think that people are seeking justice and a restoration of the peace and order that we'd like to have in our society. to believe that the laws protect everyone including young african american men wearing hoodies. >> thanks for being with us, director of the naacp, washington bureau. >> thank you. coming up you can add another local grocery store that the list that won't be serving pink slime anymore. find out which one. >> plus this school has a
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bizarre new rule. find out why the principal is banning hugging. but first facebook is ready to take on your phone. fox business network neil cavuto explains. to expla >> facebook is ready to throw the book at your boss. the social networking giant threatening legal action if your boss asks you for your facebook password. some companies have been asking for it on the interview table. facebook argues it's really an invasion of privacy. meantime the number of states with $4 gas trim ling in the past couple weeks. drivers in -- tripling in the past couple weeks. drivers in nine states are paying at least four bucks a gallon to fig her up. the national average for -- fill her up. the national average for a gallon of regular is just 11 cents shy of that $4 mark. bank of america is looking to be your landlord, the big bank launching a pilot program for folks having trouble paying their program called mortgage to lease.
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homeowners facing foreclosure can stay in their house as renters and starting on sunday coach potatoes have a chance to hit the jackpot without ever leaving their living room. the lottery is going viral in illinois. the cash strapped state is hoping to bring in the big bucks by letting people buy their lottery tickets online. that's business. i'm neil cavuto.   >> this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically. i was shocked to find out how many couples don't sleep in the same bedroom.
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but in the sleep number store, we hear it all the time. nine out of ten couples disagree on the firmness they want in a mattress. i sleep on the couch. with our bed, the sleep number setting represents the firmness that you like on your half of the mattress. you can have it your way and i'll have it mine. so we save a lot of marriages. at our semi-annual sleep sale, save $400 to $700 on our most popular bed sets. sale ends march 31st. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.
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are you guys okay? yeah. ♪ [ man ] i had a great time. thank you, it was really fun. ♪ [ crash ] i'm going to write down my number, but don't use it. [ laughing ] ♪ [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza®. experience love that lasts. ♪ police just never know what they'll find when they do a traffic stop. case in point here, batman pulled over in silver spring today. actually a batman impersonator for charity events. he forgot to put valid tags on the bat mobile. police pulled over the lamborghini on route 29. batman was ticketed and
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released. no hugging allowed, the new rule at one middle school in new jersey. students will have to find another way to show affection when they're at school. the principal made the announcement following some incidents of unsuitable physical interactions between students. the new rule is stirring up controversy. >> i was bald. i was like how -- i was appalled. i was like how could that happen? they're kids. it's natural to hug, so empress your friends. >> there was probably some inappropriate physical contact going on that led to this decision. >> the school superintendent says the district has a responsibility to teach children about appropriate interactions, but he says no one will actually be disciplined for hugging. coming up tonight on the news edge at 11:00 a bizarre fight at a local high school turned viral video, the story behind this one. >> also ahead. >> reporter: in high of it's hard to make a mistake and then -- in life it's hard to make a mistake and then just shake it
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all away. make that is the beauty of the etch-a-sketch back in the news after 52 years on the market. turn left.
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the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine top safety picks like the passat and jetta. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month.
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on tonight's health watch another supermarket chain announced it will stop selling beef with the additive pink slime. wegmans plans to stop using lean finely textured beef as soon as it can get substitutes joining giant's, safeway and several other stores that pulled pink slime from their shelves. the usda says the ammonia treated meat filler is safe to eat. turning to the campaign trail now where rick santorum is backtracking on his comment that the country might as well reelect president obama if mitt romney wins the gop nomination. earlier today i talked to fox news sunday host chris wallace about what this means for santorum's campaign. >> this was a big gaffe for santorum. there have been two this week. you had a romney advisor who
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talked about etch-a-sketch which plays into the idea that romney's positions aren't very firm, but that was an advisor. it wasn't romney himself and here is santorum saying it doesn't make any difference whether it's romney or barack obama who is the next president. most republicans don't think that. they think that the job one is to get barack obama and his policies out of office. i think they're going to react badly to santorum's remarks and i think that's why you see him trying to walk them back. >> he is in the lead going into louisiana. how much will this hurt him? >> well, not in louisiana. i think it's a state -- it's actually become very predictable depending on the voter makeup. if a state is overwhelmingly very conservative, if there are a lot of evangelicals, if there are a lot of strong conservatives, santorum tends to do well. if there are people who have a little bit more money, are somewhat more moderate in their position, better educated, then romney does well.
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louisiana would seem to be right up santorum's alley, this comment to the contemporary not withstanding. >> certainly a week of backtracking. let's talk about who is coming up sunday. >> we'll look ahead to the general election and some of the key issues that will there be whoever barack obama faces. we'll talk first to his chief advisor in the white house, his senior strategist david plouffe. the president has spent a lot of time this week trying to get out of those rising gas prices traveling around the country saying he is for an all of the above gas strategy even saying he would consider extending part of the keystone pipeline. we'll talk about the credibility of the president on that issue and then we'll talk to paul ryan that came out with a new plan this week, dramatic cuts in spending and taxes, reforming medicare. we'll talk to ryan and david plouffe as well and both of them we'll talk to about obamacare which comes up for an extraordinary three-day hearing
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before the supreme court starting on monday. >> exciting show indeed. we'll look for you sunday morning here on fox 5. thank you. >> weather time. >> it was so beautiful today i wanted everybody to enjoy it the best they could because it won't be that great of a weekend. >> we did enjoy it, thank you. >> when you say that, that means there's something bad about to happen in the weather department. >> you got a little rain every now and then, but when it comes to the weekend, that's never any fun. >> and especially during cherry blossom time. >> judging from the amount of people down at the tidal basin this evening, i think about half of the metro area was able to get down and enjoy them. that's what sue palka said. she said it was the busiest she'd seen it in years and years. so that's a pretty good judge of how many folks were down there. i'm glad you did. cathedral in the distance, gorgeous day, gorgeous evening. kind of a wet unsettled weekend is what we have coming our way.
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we've got our live radar zoomed in. here's front royal and culpeper, back to the west seeing a little bit of a thunderstorm. there's a lightning bolt right there. you can see that flashing. we're going to have showers and thunderstorms overnight tonight. as we switch over to sentinel radar, i want to show you the large picture here, a little activity down south. this is all south of fredericksburg here and you look back west. that's what we were zoomed in on with our own live doppler radar. i wanted to show you all this in motion -- well, i was going to show it to you all in motion. it's drifting to the northeast, okay? as we progress through the evening, we'll see more showers followed by a few thunderstorms. 83 the high at reagan and dulles, 81 the high for bwi. it was a tie for the record high at dulles. we got 83 degrees. pleasant outside now, 70 degrees, a little cooler for frederick at 63. it does look like we'll be in for a bit of an unsettled weekend. the rain and thunderstorms tomorrow and then some showers
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it looks like on sunday. temperature on saturday of about 71 degrees, temperature on sunday only in the 60s and monday it looks like we'll dry out. wouldn't you know, just in time to go back to work, temperatures in the upper 60s. this is futurecast overnight tonight, 10 a.m. of course, not everybody is getting wet. it's not a solid wall of water or anything like that, just some passing showers coming through with a couple thunderstorms embedded is the way it looks like overnight tonight. tomorrow morning the western neighborhoods and those community as long i-81 getting most of the rain -- communities along i-81 getting most of the rain. a good way to describe tomorrow is we'll have some passing showers and as we start to get to lunchtime and beyond, some of those showers like right here, it looks like they're trying to become thunderstorms and as we go through of the late afternoon and evening, all that will move through. by sunday morning we're dealing with mostly just some rain here, okay? a little cooler with clouds on sunday and then it looks like we start getting a lot better
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monday. here's the rain, back to the west, this is all coming across. so showers tonight, a few storms possible, 61, clouds and showers tomorrow with some storms, too. it looks like anything we get that's going to be severe will stay well to the south of us. it looks like it's going to be warmer down there. it's going to be more unstable and i mean south of fredericksburg, probably richmond and to the south where we have to be concerned tomorrow with severe weather. so the metro, we're kind of out of the woods for that. still wet sunday, high 65, better monday and tuesday, but trending a little cooler next week. >> you and i talked about grass cutting. >> i told you if you didn't get it done today, you probably weren't going to get it done for a while. >> you're in trouble now. >> i didn't get it done. >> you can do it tonight when you get home. still have a few hours before that rain moves in, wisdom. your wife can thank you later. >> i'm staying out of this.
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when his wife's name comes up, i don't want any part of that. even on a beautiful night, you can bet one capitol hill staffer is inside watching basketball tonight. margo matera is ranked 29th out of the players in the march madness tournament. >> i had two strategies. the first was personal to picks hike, for example, my husband is a lehigh -- like, for example, my husband is a lehigh engineer and the second strategy was political. so let's just say it didn't hurt that speaker boehner is a xavier graduate. >> for the record margo has ohio state winning it all. fox 5 sports is brought to you by acura. >> all right. just seven games remain on the capitals regular season schedule. tonight they open up a three- game homestand against the winnipeg jets. lindsay murphy with a look at how they fared. >> we're at the point in the
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season where every point literally counts for the capitals. with seven games left and a one- point cushion in the eastern conference playoff race, the caps can't let down especially now at home where they have been solid this season. fresh off a five-game roady the caps hosting the jets and what a start to the night for alex ovechkin. 2nd period caps up 1 -0. let's make it 2-0 , ovechkin with his 34th goal of the season. things looking great for the great 8. more from ovie later in a second. matthew perreaux sets up ovie for his second. with under four to go in regulation the jets get the equalizer. the first ever nhl goal for spencer mahacek and in 3rd winnipeg gets the goal. the caps fall 4-3 in overtime.
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dale hunter tried to explain the loss and their defensive shell in the 3rd period. >> well, you know, you're trying to protect the lead. most teams do it. you'll see other teams do the same thing. no coach wants to blame fatigue, but everybody plays back to back. you got to get it done. they were pressing. once he scored the first goal they came on harder after that. >> short and sweet tonight. washington earned a standing point with the overtime loss. so they are tied on points for eighth place with the buffalo sabres who won tonight. next up a home game versus the minnesota wild on sunday. it made $19 million while you were sleeping. tonight the hunger games phenomenon sweep being the country. we're talking -- sweeping the country. we're talking to the stars next. >> at 11:00 a snow globe of cash up for grab as long 270 and that's exactly what some drivers did, thousands gone. the story is on the news edge. 
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 >> this fox 5 sports update is brought to you by acura, acura advance. &d
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chili's $20 dinner for two has a bold new favorite -- steak. first, share an appetizer, then choose two entrees, like our 100% usda choice sirloin, available for a limited time on chili's $20 dinner for two.
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have you seen it yet? hunger games fever sweeping the country now. fans packed movie theaters across the nation to catch midnight screenings of the film which is already braking box office records. fox's casey steigel has more. >> reporter: producers of the hunger games have been feeding the fan frenzy with prerelease events across the country and loyal readers of the series have been relishing the hype. >> maybe i'll be ever in your favor. >> reporter: midnight screening parities with fans dressed in character and cast meet and greets are expected to yield a massive weekend haul. >> i love the action, the adventure. i love the characters, the detail, everything about it. i love it. [ screaming ] >> reporter: despite months of preparation the three main actors were still overwhelmed by all the attention.
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>> we all knew it had a huge fan base, but i didn't picture this. >> i don't know how to describe it. it's crazy. i had no idea this is coming. it's very cool and humbling. >> i don't think any of us expected this. i think the more and more it's gone on, the bigger it's gotten. >> they just want a good shot is all they want. >> it's 24 of us. only one comes out. >> reporter: the film's futuristic premise of a society that selects 2014s to fight to the death in an annual televised event -- selects 24 teens to fight to the death in an annual televise the event makes the fans think what they watch. >> i watch reality to a certain extent. >> try not to. my mom never let me watch that. >> i watched jersey shore, teen moms and horders and my strange addiction and a bunch of them unfortunately. >> i'm sad to say that i do. i have


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